A bright and gorgeous round basket bouquet made with garden-fresh white, light pink, mauve and purple blooms, and a whole lot of love. This abundant bouquet brings together 25-27 stems of Roses, Chrysanthemums, carnations, spray carnations, purple statis and some garden fresh foliage of Limonium, Eucalyptus, Jeneda, Song of Jamaica and Kamini Leaves to go.
Size It Right
Size it right
The Amazing part about basket Bouquets is that they can be kept anywhere, on your dining table, at the study table where most of the work from home happens, or in the drawing-room. Owing to their round setup with the pre-set tray and basket they are handy to move around and look great from all sides. They make for a great gift as well !!
Know The Story
Know the story
A sky full of stars is a prolific round bouquet that celebrates love for the stars and sky in all its glory. This bouquet signifies vibrance, limitlessness, peace and Joy in our lives.
Free shipping on all orders above the cart value of Rs. 990/-.
Currently shipping within Bengaluru and Delhi only.
Select the delivery date and time slot (not applicable for "Flower Subscriptions") on the checkout page.
Same day deliveries are not applicable for orders post 7:00 PM.
Environment & Substainability
We are on a mission to be a 100% sustainable organization. Owing to the highly perishable nature of some blooms in local climatic conditions, plastic pouches/trays are used to keep them fresh in transit at the moment. Please bear with us as we strive to find plastic-free alternatives to achieve this.
Essential Information
Fine print: The images shown here are of a recent arrangement that we shipped for customers just like you. Flowers are a natural product and we don't really control nature. That’s why we might replace some flowers based upon season and availability to ensure that the flowers delivered to you are fresh and of great quality. The bouquet shown here is shipped along with the wooden basket.